Answers to some of your most frequently asked questions about

General FAQ

Are properties available for rent during times other than weekends?

Yes. Short-term rental homes, apartment/condos, and other properties are available for weekend stays, mid-week stays, and full week or more stays. Each homeowner determines when their property is available.

Planning an upcoming visit to your favorite college or university? It’s free to search for short-term rental options.

Are you interested in posting your home, apartment/condo, or spare space for short-term stays? It’s free to create a post to showcase your rental on

How much does it cost to join

Nothing! There is no cost to create an account, so join all the other fans and visitors who have found convenient places to stay near colleges and universities. Be sure to check out our “College Town Favorites” resources to find great places to eat, drink, and have fun.

Renter FAQ

How do I rent a property on

Welcome! First, sign up for a free account, then find a property and either book instantly or send a message to the owner and wait for acceptance. Be sure to check out our “College Town Favorites” resources to find great places to eat, drink, and have fun.

Can anyone rent a home or apartment/condo?

Yes, anyone can become a renter. We cater to all travelers, including college visitors, alumni, fans, and parents and family members of students. You must be 25 years or older to rent and have a valid credit card on file.

Why are property addresses not provided before booking?

We don’t reveal the exact addresses of properties to protect our homeowners. However, you can still see the approximate location of the property as well as surrounding points of interest on our map. You will receive the exact address once you’ve booked the property.

How much does it cost to rent a place through

We believe in transparent pricing and no hidden fees. In order to cover services, there is a 10% fee added to the rental cost established by the homeowner. All of these costs are shown before you complete the booking process.

Owner FAQ

How much does it cost to list my short-term rental property on

Nothing! There is no cost to list your rental on

Do I have to live in a college town to rent my property on

We cater to rentals in and around college towns, but if you have a great property in another wonderful setting, then please list it! We find that visitors are attracted to many different locations and property types.

Are you an owner, and want quick access to update your account or listings?

Once logged in, use the following Quick Links to jump right to your desired location:

Account Settings: update your name, password and credit card/banking information.

Bookings: view upcoming Bookings.

Dashboard: central dashboard to update and manage your Listings, view upcoming Bookings and Messages.  Also, access Reports of your rental activity (including tax information).

Inbox/messages: access all notifications, reminders, and incoming messages from Renters.


Availability & Pricing

Sync your Calendar: if you list your property elsewhere, keep your listing availability synced by importing your other calendars. Our calendar supports syncing up to 6 different calendars (e.g. Airbnb, VRBO, etc.). Similarly, you can export your calendar to the other calendars.

What if I want to communicate with potential renters before letting them book my property?

On our platform, you can either agree to have your property instantly booked or you can communicate with the potential renter to make sure it’s a good match for both parties before the booking can occur.

Still have questions?